In Memoriam

In Loving Memory of a Good Friend

t is with great sorrow that we announce the passing of Jason Symington after a brief but fierce battle with cancer. Jason has been a coach, umpire, announcer, dad, fan, and all around volunteer with CLL for many years. Those of us who knew him will miss him dearly. On a personal level, I'll miss just seeing him around the park and hanging out chatting about his next big restaurant adventure. His wife Laurie, and children Molly and Will, are part of our CLL family. If you are able, please help support them through the Go Fund Me account set up by Laurie's sister.

Thank you, and God bless Jason and his family in this difficult time. 


The words you're about to read were shared with me by Jason's good friend and fellow CLL'er Russ Hunter. Russ spoke before the game on Sunday morning at Blue Mountain during a brief but very touching ceremony honouring Jason. Thank you Russ, for allowing us to post your heartfelt thoughts here so others can share in the friendship you had with Jason. 

It is with great sadness that we say good bye to a fellow CLL family member Jason Symington. Jason passed away peacefully with his wife Laurie, daughter Molly and son Will by his side. Jason was a long time volunteer with CLL. He helped coach many teams and loved to umpire this great game. He also spend many hours teaching and working with our junior umpires to teach them the ways to umpire the game.

I met Jason many years ago down at Mackin Park. We got to coach our boys together one season and that is when I really got to know Jay. Ever since then I have been proud to call Jason my friend.

Jason touched many of us both on and off the field. He made us all smile when he used that great voice when announcing at games. For those who didn’t know him he kept to himself when he enjoyed a game from the stands but you put him in the booth with a microphone in his hand he transformed in to this larger than life radio personality. It was wonderful to listen to and enjoy.

On behalf of all of us here at Coquitlam Little League we want to say thank you for all you did for the kids and the league

You will be truly missed my friend

We love you

May you rest in peace


In Memory of a Passionate CLL Volunteer, Parent, and Fan

It is with great sorrow that we announce the passing of one of our CLL brothers. 

Daryl Carney, CLL coach, parent, umpire, and fan, passed away this week. Our heartfelt condolences go out to his boys, Quinn and Piero, their mom Alice, and to their family. Daryl's passion for the game of baseball, and his love and pride in his family were no secret to all who knew him. Daryl gave his time as a coach and an umpire, and we will miss his excitement and his knowledge around the park. Daryl was a loving father and a dedicated volunteer. Thank you, Piero and Quinn, for sharing him with us. The CLL family is here for you. 

Daryl was his kids' biggest fan, and that carried over to every other player on their teams as well, and he had the trip of a lifetime last summer with Peiro and our CLL Major A's as they represented Canada at the LLWS in Williamsport, Pennsylvania. Darryl and I had a few conversations over the years, and one of my favourites was during that run, when he came down from the bleachers at Provincials to ask me what I thought of the umpire's strike zone - when I told him it looked fine to me, he smiled and said "Ok, thanks, and thanks for being here" and went back to his seat. That was a quintessential DC moment, fired up, excited, and we'll miss those, as we'll miss him. 

We've all had a tough time accepting the loss of our season, but this really hurts, and the boys will need their friends, their CLL family, especially now, when we don't have the release of going to the park for a game. 

Those of you who know the Carneys, please reach out and give them our support during this tragically difficult time. We'd also like to encourage you, if you're in a position to do so, to make a donation through the Go Fund Me page that has been set up. click here to donate

We will post information regarding services as it becomes available. 

"There's no crying in baseball,

we've heard it time and again,

but what else can you do when you lose

a dad, a coach, a friend?

We'll shed a tear, and wait till we hear

Daryl yell "Play Ball!" again.


If anyone wants to pass on a message, I'd be happy to forward it.



Fondly Remembered

It is with great sorrow that we announce the passing of one of our CLL brothers. 

Dave Sturam passed away last week at the age of 43. Our heartfelt condolences go out to his wife Christine, and their children, Kaden and Sophia, and to the rest of the family. Dave's love for, and pride in, his family was profound. He was a loving father and husband, and a good friend. Thank you Christine, and Kaden, and Sophia, for sharing him with us. The CLL family is here for all of you. 

Dave has been a coach in CLL for years, starting in Blastball with Kaden, and this past season he coached Kaden in Majors during house and in post-season, and Sophia in Mini-Minor. Dave was excited about Kaden moving up to Blue Mountain and "real baseball, with leadoffs, and pickoffs", but he got just as much pleasure watching Sophia and her teammates figure out which hand the glove goes on. Dave coached on a number of post season teams over the years, always representing CLL with class, and teaching kids to play the game the right way. His passion for the game was obvious to anyone who knew him, and while he was as competitive as they come, Dave kept the kids focused on the fun side of the game. He spoke passionately about keeping it fun, and developing all the kids, not just the good ones, and took immense pride in seeing them succeed. We'll miss his antics at the annual coaches game, and the great conversations in the cage and the parking lot afterwards. 

They say there's no crying in baseball, but that isn't always true. We've all seen kids cry after a strikeout, or an error in the fiield, or a loss. we've all shed tears of pride and joy watching our kids play. And today the tears will be for our buddy. And while he won't be with us on the field and in the dugout this season. I like to think he'll be sitting up in the bleachers, popping a cold one, and watching it all with that warm smile. 

So we'll cry our tears, and dry them, and pick up our gloves and bats.

Moms and dads will prep the field, and kids will look for their hats.

Coaches will set their lineups, and kids will wait for the call,

and Dave will be there grinning, when the umpire yells "PLAY BALL".


The family will need our support in this difficult time. I'd be happy to forward any messages. please email 

Services will be at the Poco Inn and Suites, 1545 Lougheed Highway. December 9th at 1PM. In lieu of flowers, an account is being set up to help take care of the kids' education, somethng that was very important to Dave.

To make a donation:

Royal Bank
Acct# 5164603


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